2025 Judges Application Form

Thank you for your interest in being a part of KAR/RAINBOW & Ultra 2025 judging panel. In our continuous efforts to hire the best judges possible, we are excited to implement some new changes. The new application process will not only be quicker and more efficient, but it will also provide us with valuable information for selecting a qualified panel. Please take a moment to complete our new 2025 KAR/RAINBOW & Ultra judges' application. We thank you in advance for your time and we look forward to your submission.

Personal Information
Note: Please fill this in as it appears on your ID or Drivers License. Required for booking airline tickets.
Note: Required by those darn TSA people.
Ex: (714) 826-8440
Ex: (714) 826-8440
Note: All correspondence and pay checks will be mailed to this address.
Note: KAR will use this email to inform you of your judging status. Please check it daily.
Dance Studio Affiliation

Please list the dance studios that you are currently working at.

Dance Experience

Please rank the following dance genres based on your expertise and knowledge.
5 - Extremely Knowledgeable
4 - Very Knowledgeable
3 - Knowledgeable
2 - Somewhat Knowledgeable
1 - Not Knowledgeable
Please note that it is not necessary to be knowledgeable in all genres of dance to be hired as a judge.

Of the dance genres listed above, please rank the top 3 dance genre in order of your expertise and knowledge.

Judging Experience